BlogWhat Is Happiness Made Of?
What is happiness? The answer you’ll get to this question too often depends on who you ask. So I dug into thousands of articles across disciplines to get the real answer to the elusive question “what is happiness?” Read more...
Why We Fail To Boost Our HappinessIt was my last year in college and I needed to take either physics or chemistry to graduate. Both classes required a high-school science course as a prerequisite. I was super nervous because in high-school I had opted not to take these courses. It was with much trepidation that I signed up for Physics. After only 1 week I was completely lost. Read more...
Variety Is The Spice Of Life, But Is It Also The Secret To Happiness?
The majority of happiness products focus on teaching you just one thing. What do I mean by this? Well, you’ll see books on mindfulness, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or positive psychology. Each book is helpful, but when you learn only one type of happiness skill, you are ill-equipped for all sorts of things that might get in the way of your happiness. Read more...
7 Ways Journaling Can Save Your Life
The journal or notebook is a powerful tool not only if you are a writer, but a tool for wellness. It’s a place to intimately express feelings and emotions, record memories, explore secrets and transcribe musings. Journaling can help us tap into the heart of our souls. The journal makes no judgments; it is free of editors, critics and teachers. It is the music and voice of our true emotion. Journaling regularly can help with problem-solving and stress reduction. Read more...
How To Make Positivity Automatic
Did you know that you can condition yourself for positivity? Read more...
Practice Makes Perfect...Even When It Comes To Happiness
"Have you found happiness?” Whenever I hear this question, I wonder why happiness is being treated like a lost set of car keys. When we talk about “finding” happiness, it says that we think happiness is something we should look for. Read more...
The Easiest Way To Boost Happiness Fast
Prioritizing high-impact skills can help you boost your happiness faster. Read more...
Automate Your Happiness
If you are like most people, you’re busy. You probably have near zero time to spend on building your happiness skills. The reality is that it does take time to learn and practice any new skill. But when are you supposed to practice these skills that will supposedly change your life? Read more...
Why Happiness Means Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone
People will tell you to "get out of your comfort zone", or "try something new". Why? Because it's good to challenge yourself. When you challenge your brain to experience new things it helps you learn and grow. But did you know that this same logic applies when it comes to happiness? Read more...
The #1 Reason Why You're Still Not Happy
Are you wondering why you're still not happy? Maybe you already “think positive” or “engage in mindfulness”. Well, even if you practice these skills, you can still be unhappy if you don’t actually enjoy practicing these skills. Read more...
Why We Should Pursue Happiness Together
With all these new happiness apps, and programs, and online courses, you'd think we'd all be happier. But we're not. Things like anxiety, depression, and burnout are on the rise. So what's going on? We've forgotten the most important thing: we need to pursue happiness together. Read more...
9 Stress Relievers
Check out these 9 simple stress relievers.
17 Positivity Quotes
Did you know that you can create positivity at work by teaching yourself to think differently? Plenty of research has shown that you can use positivity tricks to change the way you think about your world, and even your job. Read more...
3 Ways To Increase Your Happiness Set Point
Each of us has own own "Happiness set point", which is just our natural, everyday mood before being stressed out or excited by our daily events. Do you know what your happiness set point is? Read more...
Rewire Your Brain For Happiness By Doing The OppositeIf happiness skills are learnable (and they are) then these skills, just like other skills, rely on the brain. Just like recognizing the color of a flower, or recalling the name of a friend relies on the brain, happiness too relies on the brain to function quickly and efficiently. But the brain is actually quite lazy. The brain’s goal is to use as little energy as possible and still keep us functioning. The way it does this is by learning from our behavior and experiences, and creating networks that make it easier for us to continue doing what we have always done with no additional effort needed. Read more...
This Too Shall Pass: Thinking About The Future Reduces Stress
Temporal distancing refers to our ability to think about the outcomes of stressful events in the relatively far future. For example, you might tell yourself that “time heals all wounds” or “this too shall pass.” The ability to think about a future where you will no longer be feeling so bad helps you get through difficult situations. It can reduce the intensity of negative emotions and the distress caused by the situation. Read more...
Accept Your Negative Emotions To Reduce Them
Emotional acceptance refers to our ability to tolerate and even appreciate our emotions just as they are. Acceptance requires that we do not avoid or judge our emotions. Once we stop judging and trying to control our emotions, they seem to mysteriously dissipate on their own. Read more...
4 Ways Spending Money Increases Happiness
We like to shop. We buy a wide variety of things including cars, electronics, clothes, knick-knacks, and more. Unfortunately, the increase in shopping results in severe negative consequences. In the process of creating, manufacturing, and selling goods, a number of natural resources are depleted, workers health and well-being is often compromised, and many of these goods eventually end up in landfills. So why do we shop so much and what should we be spending our money on? Read more...
4 Ways To Recover Your Self-Worth
Data from my well-being survey recently revealed that positive self-views (or the general belief that we are good, worthwhile human beings) was the best predictor of happiness – even more so than 19 other happiness skills including gratitude and strong personal relationships. Why are positive self-views so essential to happiness? Read more...
What Makes You Happy? 10 Things That Will Change Your Life
Building these 10 skills can make you happier.
The Top 50 Wellness Products 20162016 has been an exciting but stressful year. It is becoming more important than ever to create effective wellness products and tools to help people maintain their health and happiness. Read more...
Kids Emotion Learning Products: Develop Kids Emotion SkillsDid you know that creating positive emotions is a skill? It is. And just like other skills, it's easier to learn when we are young. Read more...
10 Emotion Games For Kids (Toddlers too!)Here are some games that help kids manage their emotions and feelings, developing emotional intelligence and well-being. Check them all out. Read more...
Nourished and Ignited: My Transformative Weekend With YOLYOL is a group retreat that teaches you about mindful leadership. Here I talk about my experience with YOL. Read more...
4 Things That Might Be Causing Your HeadachesHeadaches are the worst. That pounding, aching, nauseating experience is enough to drive you nuts. And they just pop up out of nowhere – or so it seems. Here are a few things you can do at home to help prevent your headaches. Read more...
How to Put Your Kids' Happiness First, Not Just Today but ForeverDid you know that you can train your kids' brains in ways that can increase their happiness for life? Here are some tools and strategies for doing it. Read more...
8 Things You Need to Start a Wellness BusinessWant to discover how to start and run a small wellness business for a year for under $500? Here are the things to need to get started. Read more...
5 Ways to Find Wellness Products That Really WorkDid you know that some wellness products work better than others? Discover why some wellness products change your life and others don't. Read more...
Ladies First: 7 Simple Ways You Can Create Gender EqualityHere are some strategies that we all can use to increase gender quality. Try these strategies to help women achieve equality. Read more...
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