How To Make Positivity AutomaticDid you know that you can use classical conditioning to boost your positivity? Yup, you can train yourself to have more positive emotions. And here's one way to do it.
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If you've ever taken an intro to psychology course, you probably heard about the study of Pavlov's dog. Here is a quick reminder just in case:
Pavlov had a dog. Like most dogs, Pavlov's dog would get really excited when he was about to get fed. He'd drool all over the place. So Pavlov would ring a bell to tell his dog that it was almost feeding time. What happened? Well, suddenly Pavlov's dog started getting excited just by that bell! Even when it wasn't feeding time. Eating food and the sound of the bell became linked in the dog’s brain. So something as silly as a bell was making the dog excited. This phenomenon is called classical conditioning. And guess what? You can use classical conditioning to boost your positivity! How do you condition yourself for more positivity?You do exactly what Pavlov did. You just link boring things (like a bell ringing) with positive thoughts and feelings over and over again. Pretty soon, these boring things will generate positivity automatically!
That's classical conditioning at work! Ah, the power of science! Do you want to learn more about how to make positivity, resilience, and mindfulness automatic? Check out this positivity workbook. It shows you how to classically condition yourself to experience positive emotions in response to many daily experiences, like drinking a cup of coffee or ting your shoes. Just like Pavlov's dog, you'll pair positive emotions with your daily events and as a result experience more positive emotions. |
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