Intimacy: Definition, Levels, & IssuesIntimacy is the closeness that comes from deeply knowing and feeling safe with another person. Why can it be so hard to get the intimacy we crave? Let’s see what science says.
When I hear the word “intimacy”, it is often that moment that comes to mind. When people are open, trusting, and engaged with each other, intimacy develops, even if it is just for the four minutes that a song plays. I have sought that level of effortless, deep connection many times since then and only rarely found it. I think true intimacy is like that, too – unless the stars align, or we put a lot of work in, it’s hard to have.
I’m not the only one seeking intimacy – there are few things more naturally human than to crave meaningful connection with another being. Unfortunately, it also seems that fearing connection is often just as human. Can science help us understand this tension we all feel? Let’s see how psychology research might help us have more intimacy in our lives. Before reading on, if you're a therapist, coach, or wellness entrepreneur, be sure to grab our free Wellness Business Growth eBook to get expert tips and free resources that will help you grow your business exponentially.
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