Compatibility: Definition, Examples, & TipsCompatibility is when people get along well together, often because their interests or personalities are similar or complement each other. Learn more below.
For example, one of my favorite activities is talking about relationships, something that women are socialized to do much more than men are. At the same time, I knew there were plenty of men like me – I just needed to look harder for them. Today, I have a good number of friends of all genders, which I like to think reflects how compatibility is about personality and interests more than the demographic boxes we check.
In this article, I will discuss the science behind compatibility. Let’s see what psychology research can tell us about finding people with whom we are compatible. Before reading on, if you're a therapist, coach, or wellness entrepreneur, be sure to grab our free Wellness Business Growth eBook to get expert tips and free resources that will help you grow your business exponentially.
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