BlogOperant Conditioning: Definition, Examples, & PsychologyLearn about how the fascinating but sometimes unseen power of operant conditioning explains and changes behavior. Read more...
Self-Realization: Definition, Benefits, & ExamplesSelf-realization is knowing who you are and acting in accordance with that knowledge. But achieving self-realization may not be as straightforward as it sounds. Read more...
Presence: Meaning, Benefits, & TheoryPresence is the awareness of what is happening around you and inside you. Psychological research says presence is an asset, but it’s becoming a rarity. Read more...
Pavlov: Theory, Experiments, & DogIvan Pavlov’s experiments with conditioning were a big inspiration for the behaviorist approach. How did a physiologist make such a contribution to psychology? Read more...
Meaningful Quotes: About Friends, Life, & FamilyLet’s explore the impact that meaningful quotes can have on our relationships and our lives. Read more...
Healing Quotes: For Grief, Trauma, & A Broken HeartAs humans, we are breakable, but we are also resilient. Sometimes all we need is a thoughtful quote to inspire our healing journey. Read more...
B. F. Skinner: Theory & ExperimentsLet’s find out about the famous behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner and the far-reaching impact his theories and experiments have had. Read more...
Wisdom: Definition, Benefits, & QuotesLearn about the complex concept of wisdom, its benefits for well-being and society, and how we can develop more of it. Read more...
Uplifting Quotes: For Teachers, Work, & Hard TimesLearn how uplifting quotes can help your mental well-being, and discover quotes for work, life, and more. Read more...
Carl Rogers: Theory, Quotes, & PsychologyCarl Rogers is one of the founders of the field of humanistic psychology, and his writings powerfully informed psychotherapy in the 20th century. Read more...
Albert Bandura: Theories of Social Learning, Self Efficacy, & PersonalityPeople learn by observing, not just by doing. This is one of many insights from psychologist Albert Bandura. Here’s more about his contributions to psychology. Read more...
Abraham Maslow: On Motivation, Personality, & Self-ActualizationAbraham Maslow is a psychologist most famous for his proposed hierarchy of human needs. But there is much more to his contributions to the field of psychology. Read more...
Color Meanings for Every Color in the RainbowLet’s explore the fascinating science of color meaning and the impact colors have on our lives. Read more...
Maliciousness: Definition, Causes, & ExamplesLearn about the different types of maliciousness and the psychology behind them. Read more...
Carrageenan: Definition, Side Effects, & FoodsCarrageenan is a common food additive from red seaweed. Uncover its uses, health effects, and presence in everyday products in this comprehensive, easy-to-understand guide. Read more...
Destructiveness: Definition & ExamplesDestructiveness is the tendency to cause damage. Are certain things destructive by nature? Let’s learn about what makes things and people destructive. Read more...
Anna Freud: Facts & Contributions to PsychologyAnna Freud, the daughter of famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, made important contributions to the field of psychoanalysis in her own right. Read more...
Disrespect: Definition, Examples, & QuotesDisrespect is the act of indicating to somebody that you do not want to include them or that you won’t treat them as well as they seem to deserve. Read more...
The Power of Video: Transforming Your Wellness Business*Sponsored Content
The wellness industry is more competitive than ever so wellness entrepreneurs need innovative strategies to stand out. Enter the world of video marketing. Read more... Foods That Cause Inflammation: List & ExamplesFoods that cause inflammation: Discover how diet impacts your health, with a focus on inflammatory and anti-inflammatory foods for better well-being. Read more...
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