BlogPiaget: Theory & Stages of Cognitive DevelopmentLet’s explore Jean Piaget’s highly influential work on cognitive development—the study of how children’s thinking changes as they grow. Read more...
Quotes About Courage: Finding Bravery & BoldnessAre your fears holding you back? Keep reading for some inspiring quotes about courage to give you the boost you need. Read more...
Control Freak: Definition, Psychology, & CharacteristicsThe term “control freak” is used to describe someone who has a powerful need for order and control over their life. What is the science behind this tendency? Read more...
Hostility: Definition, Examples, & PsychologyHostility is a negative orientation toward other people and the expectation that they will do things we dislike. How do people develop a hostile mindset? Read more...
Arrogance: Definition, Quotes, & ExamplesArrogance is an unrealistically positive opinion of one’s abilities and importance. Why do some people develop an inflated sense of self? Read more...
The Milgram Experiment: Theory, Results, & Ethical IssuesThe Milgram experiments are some of the most foundational—and controversial—psychology research studies ever conducted. Let’s look at what makes them important. Read more...
Aggressiveness: Definition, Behaviors & PsychologyAggressiveness is the tendency to want to harm other people. For a fairly antisocial characteristic, it is also quite common. Can psychology explain why? Read more...
Phineas Gage: History, Facts, & Importance in PsychologyPhineas Gage is a legend in the history of brain science. Keep reading to find out why. Read more...
Deceitfulness: In Dating, Business, & MarriageDeceitfulness is when you deliberately make others believe things you know are not true. What makes us deceitful in our professional and personal lives? Read more...
Grandiosity: Definition, Examples, & PsychologyGrandiosity is an inflated sense of one’s value, importance, and abilities. We all occasionally think too highly of ourselves; when is grandiosity a problem? Read more...
Negative Reinforcement: Definition, Examples, & TheoryNegative reinforcement is a powerful motivator for our behaviors, but we often overlook it. Learn more about how it influences your decisions and actions. Read more...
Condescending: Meaning, Behaviors, & ExamplesLet’s explore condescending behavior, the reasons behind it, its effect on relationships, and how to handle it. Read more...
Narcissism: Disorder, Behavior, & SignsNarcissism is an intense sense of self-importance accompanied by a need for other people to continually affirm this importance. How can you spot a narcissist? Read more...
AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) Diet: Plan, Foods, & TipsThe Autoimmune Protocol diet is an emerging tool for reducing the painful symptoms of autoimmune diseases. How does it work, and who should be trying this diet? Read more...
Misogyny: Definition, Opposite, & PsychologyMisogyny is hatred or contempt for women. This attitude drives so much violence and discrimination against women. Why is something so harmful so pervasive? Read more...
Internal Family Systems (IFS): Therapy, Parts, & MoreInternal Family Systems (IFS) is an approach to therapy that treats the client’s mind as if it is made up of different family members, called parts. Read more...
Covert Narcissism: Definition, Traits, & TacticsDo you know many narcissists? Given the subtleties of covert narcissism, the answer may surprise you. Keep reading to learn how to identify a covert narcissist. Read more...
Entitlement: Definition, Personality, & PsychologyLet’s learn about the psychology behind an entitlement personality trait and how it can affect our lives and well-being. Read more...
Parental Alienation: Definition, Syndrome, & EffectsParental alienation is when one parent intentionally tries to turn their child against the other parent. Let’s see what the research says about it. Read more...
Selfishness: Definition, Opposite, & Human NatureSelfishness is something we generally frown upon—yet everybody has their selfish moments. Might selfishness be a natural and even useful part of human nature? Read more...
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