Four Simple Ways to Develop a More Positive AttitudeSometimes it feels easier to be a Grumpy Gus--Who has the energy to get jazzed up about everything all the time? But ask yourself, how exhausting is it when you’re around someone else who is constantly negative and complaining? It sucks, right? Nobody wants to be around Negative Nellies that zap everyone's energy. So the question becomes: Do you want to be the kind of person who drains energy or who supplies it? Read more...
Self-Reflection: Definition and How to Self-ReflectSo many of our habits, patterns of behavior, and pre-set programming are buried in our subconscious. They operate in a sort of “control room”, directing how we think, feel, and act, often times hurting our well-being. If we want to be in control, we need to look beyond the conscious mind, and change some of the programming we no longer benefit from. Read more...
4 Ways You Can Use Netflix to Cultivate Well-BeingThe latest series just came out, everyone has already seen it, and you can’t go anywhere without hearing about how awesome it is. Sometimes it feels like you just can’t help it – you know you’re about to binge on Netflix once again. But at the same time, you know that you’ll feel guilty for spending the whole weekend on your couch instead of out in the world, ya know, doing stuff. So what do you do? Read more...
Positive Affirmations: Definition, Examples, and ExercisesAccording to cognitive neuroscientists, 95 percent of brain activity is beyond our conscious awareness. That means our daily experiences are largely affected by unconscious beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. So, if we wish to improve our lives, we need to shift these unconscious experiences. One way to do that is by using positive statements about ourselves or our lives—otherwise known as positive affirmations. Read more...
How to Make Meaning From HardshipWe prefer pleasure over pain, happiness over sadness, and positive experiences over negative ones. But might negative experiences actually make us happier in the long run? Some evidence suggests that, yes, we can use those tough experiences to build ourselves up instead of letting them tear us down. Read more...
9 Ways to Have a Better Relationship With Your PhoneDid you know that Americans check their phones about 47 times per day? Half of us check our phones in the middle of the night. And 1 in 10 adults check their phone during sex. So, what kind of relationship do you have with your phone? Read more...
Detox Genes: CYP Genes and GST GenesAfter being sick like this for almost a year, and spending nearly all of my time either in bed or researching how to get healthy, I stumbled upon research on the genetics of detoxification. It turns out there are a bunch of genes that can make it difficult for some people to eliminate toxins from the body—from air pollution, pesticides, fragrances, mold, estrogen, and even stress hormones. Read more...
4 Ways Technology Can Make You HappierTechnology can be bad for us—for example, when social media gives us FOMO (fear of missing out) or traps us in filter bubbles that prevent us from seeing multiple points of view on important issues. But it can also be good for us. Read more...
How to Do a Digital DetoxBlake Snow offers some useful tips on how to create a better relationship with technology. More specifically, Blake credits much of his struggle with work-life balance to the alluring draw of the Internet—his smartphone in particular. But after having done a digital detox, in a variety of ways, he's now offering advice on how others can do the same. Here are some tips from his book, Log Off. Read more...
Three Ways You Can Use Social Media to Cultivate ResilienceWe are spending more and more time on social media. One problem that's emerging now is that social media’s algorithms often show us things that get us anxious, angry, or upset because this content is what keeps us engaged and clicking. So spending more time online just might mean we feel more negative than ever. Read more...
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