9 Ways to Have a Better Relationship With Your PhoneLet's face it. Most of us have an unhealthy relationship with our phones and other tech toys. So here's how to build better relationships with our phones so that we can live happier and healthier lives.
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Did you know that Americans check their phones about 47 times per day? Half of us check our phones in the middle of the night. And 1 in 10 adults check their phone during sex.
Wow! We must really like our phones. Luckily, I'm not the only one who thinks that our relationships with our phones have gotten a bit out of hand (For more, see my book Outsmart Your Smartphone.) So, what kind of relationship do you have with your phone? Perhaps you check your phone for some important purpose only to get sucked into news, social media, or videos. Suddenly, hours go by, leaving you feeling unsatisfied and vaguely depressed, but you're not sure why. Or maybe, you look to your phone to provide your life with meaning, happiness, or some kind of positive feeling. If this sounds like you, then it's time to take a break from your phone. Easier said than done though, right? We've become reliant on our phone's tools (like maps), the easy communication (like texts), and, well, just about everything else on our phones. To overcome these challenges, here are some of the tips: Are You Dating Your Phone?1. Reflect on how you use your phoneFor a day or two, just pay attention to your relationship with your phone to gain clarity on how your phone makes you feel. What emotions do you have before using your phone? How about after using your phone? Who are you with? What are you doing? Where are you? When you pick up your phone, what do you do? Are there particular apps you use most often? How long do you get sucked in? Is it hard to return your attention back to other things?
What might your answers tell you about why you are using your phone? Ask yourself, is this really the way you want to use this time? Is it really making you happy? Or are you like most people, miserably addicted to a rectangular object that is making you miserable? Are You a Therapist, Coach, or Wellness Entrepreneur?
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