What Is Savoring?Too often we let the good moments pass without truly celebrating them. Maybe your friend gives you a small gift, a colleague makes you laugh, or a rainbow stretches across the sky. These are just tiny moments, and the positive emotions associated with them fade . . . but they don't have to. We just have to savor them. So what is savoring? And why is savoring such a powerful tool for boosting positivity and building happiness? Read more...
How Positive Reappraisal Can Boost HappinessA few years ago, my car’s transmission blew completely. If I had wanted to, I could have focused on the negative things about this experience–it cost about $2,000 to fix, it happened as part of a string of repairs on that car, I desperately needed that car to get to work, and money was really tight. But because I had trained my brain to use reappraisal to focus on the positive, instead of focusing on these negatives, I actually felt grateful. Read more...
Mindfulness Exercises: How to Be Present in the MomentOur attention is increasingly being eaten up by technology. We barely notice that our time is being consumed by reading and writing texts and scrolling social media. So how do we switch our attention away from technology and instead be more mindful? Read more...
Three Ways to Overcome Fear of FailureMost people don’t know this about me, but I applied to graduate school five times. Each collection of annual rejection letters stung. I failed again, I thought every time I didn’t get in. But now, looking back on these failures with my Ph.D. in hand, and as founder of a small business that helps people build happiness in the digital age, I see that each one was a learning experience, a part of the journey forward.
Failure shows that we’re taking risks — risks that can either result in failure or pay off big. By being willing to take these risks, we make it possible to experience great success. Read more... How to Relieve, Manage, and Overcome StressYou know the feeling. That tightness that keeps building in your body and mind that you can't find the release switch for. It's stress you're feeling! As stress hormones begin seeping into, then flooding your body, they prepare you for fight or flight, increasing your pulse and breathing rate, and pulling your body's attention away from everything else. Read more...
How to Deal with Negative Emotions at WorkWe seem to really get a kick out of complaining about work. We hover around the water cooler, confide in our friends, and even share our workplace horror stories with our spouses. But recounting all the things that made us miserable one day doesn’t help us enjoy our workday more tomorrow. A better strategy is to actually address the negative feelings we have. Read more...
3 Things That Hurt Your Sense of Belonging at WorkFor our ancestors, it was beneficial to hold an "us vs. them" perspective. By focusing on their own tribes, families, or communities, they ensured that their kin would be more likely to survive. So our brains are still hardwired to classify people into "us vs. them" based on the tiniest of cues. Here are some more things companies often do that make people feel like outsiders. Read more...
How to Feel Good at WorkThe workplace is ripe for worrying. Faced with a combination of deadlines, meetings, and performance evaluations, many of us find ourselves distracted by unpleasant visions of the future. Understanding how imagination works in the brain, and how it can influence our feelings, can point to a different way forward. Read more...
Work-Life Blending: Does It Work?Today, the so-called “boundaryless workplace” is everywhere. We check email first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Our professional inboxes and to-do lists alert us wherever we go, often intruding on our free time. Leading corporate perks even include in-office dry cleaning, fitness centers, and three gourmet meals a day, which tempt us to rub elbows with work associates even more, helping everyone else’s bottom line at the expense of our own. What's the antidote? Read more...
Should You Quit Facebook?Did you know that the average Facebook user uses a combination of Facebook and Instagram an average of 50 minutes per day? That’s more time than the average person spends socializing with other people, watching sports, and almost as much time as we spend eating. So if you’re a Facebook user, it’s now important to ask yourself, “Is spending your time on Facebook actually making you happier?” Read more...
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