BlogBenefits of Bone Broth: For Weight Loss, Gut Health, & MoreBone broth—a soup-like liquid created by slow-simmering animal bones in water—is thought to be associated with many health benefits. What does the science say? Read more...
Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Definition, List, & PlansAnti-inflammatory foods reduce inflammation in your body, protecting your health and making you feel better. Here’s how to get more of them in your diet. Read more...
Food Allergy Test: Signs, Symptoms, & Home KitsFood allergies are becoming more common, so we need effective food allergy tests to keep us informed and safe. Let’s see how testing works, including at home. Read more...
Child Psychology: Definition, Courses, & DegreeChild psychology is the field of psychology focused on the specific mental health needs and experiences of children—it’s a pathway with lots of specialized training. Read more...
Quotes About Strength: In Life & Hard TimesLife can be tough. Finding support through quotes about strength can give you the boost you need to weather the storm of life’s toughest challenges. Read more...
Mentoring: Definition, Examples, & Best PracticesLet’s explore how a good mentoring relationship can benefit you both professionally and personally. Read more...
Humanistic Psychology: Definition, Theory, & ExamplesHumanistic psychology says that humans should be understood as distinct and complete individuals rather than characterized by their mental health challenges. Read more...
Mirror Neurons: Definition, Function, & ExamplesMirror neurons activate in our brains when we watch other people do something—kind of like our brains are imagining us doing the very same thing ourselves. Read more...
Social Psychology: Definition, Theory, & ExamplesSocial psychology is the study of how people interact with, think about, and influence each other. Social psychology has shaped much of our current understanding of human behavior. Read more...
Mold Exposure Symptoms: Toxicity, Symptoms, & TestingBeing around mold in your home or workplace can lead, over time, to the development of mold exposure symptoms. What are these symptoms, and how can you test for them? Read more...
Worthlessness: Definition & How To Deal With ItWorthlessness is the state of mind in which you believe you are no good, useless, or utterly unimportant. How does a person reach this point, and how should they deal with it? Read more...
Jealousy: Definition, Examples, & How To Overcome ItJealousy is the combination of an unpleasant emotion, such as anger or fear, with thinking you may lose something you value. How do we overcome jealousy? Read more...
Cognitive Psychology: Definition, Theories, & HistoryCognitive psychology is the science of how we think. Let’s explore this fascinating field. Read more...
Healthy Snacks: Easy Ideas For Kids & AdultsFind a list of easy-to-prepare healthy snacks that will satisfy your hunger and will not sacrifice your favorite foods or flavors. Read more...
Nutrition: Definition, Benefits, & FactsNutrition is the act of giving our bodies the food they need to be healthy and well-functioning. We all know we should eat nutritious food, but what does science say about the benefits? Read more...
Kissing: Definition, Types, & TipsKissing is a nearly universal way of expressing love and intimacy in human cultures. Let’s see what psychological research has to say about how people use kissing to build and maintain connections. Read more...
Law of Attraction: Definition, Quotes, & ScienceYou may have heard that the law of attraction means that you can think what you want into manifesting in your life. However, scientific research has not supported this law of attraction. Read more...
Self-Love Quotes: For Confidence, Healing, & EmpowermentSelf-love is a simple concept but a very difficult practice. Keep reading for some self-love quotes to help out in times when self-love doesn’t come easily. Read more...
Leadership Skills: Definition, Examples, & DevelopmentLeadership skills keep a group of people motivated and focused on shared goals. While some leadership skills seem innate, many can be developed over time too. Read more...
High Fiber Foods: Examples, Benefits, & ListLet’s learn about the great things fiber does for your health and how to easily add more to your diet. Read more...
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