Be Authentic: 19 Ways To Do ItWant to be more authentic, or be your true self in more situations. You can! Here are some wonderful and useful tips on how to be more authentic every day.
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What Is Authenticity?Being authentic means that you act in ways that show your true self and how you feel. Rather than showing people only a particular side of yourself, you express your whole self genuinely.
To get started, here's a quick video on how to be yourself*This page may include affiliate links; that means I earn from qualifying purchases of products.
How We Lost Our AuthenticityFrom infancy into adulthood, we are constantly balancing inner and outer aspects of ourselves in order to better fit in, to become more successful, or to find love. We all want to be loved, or at least liked. We want to find “our place” in society, and we want to be respected for who we are and what we have to contribute. Many of us are propelled even further, desiring to know and live our purpose, to find deeper meaning in our lives, and to feel the fulfillment that comes with becoming a more authentic person.
But how do we do that in a consumer-oriented world where marketing overrules truth and “image” is more important than integrity? We live in a society engorged with superficiality, where sex sells, hyperbole wins, greed trumps values, and our principles get stomped under foot. Yet we still want to be accepted and to fit in, and we may even promote “the lie” in order “to get ahead”. So how are we to be authentic in such a dysfunctional world? Are You a Therapist, Coach, or Wellness Entrepreneur?
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You CAN change, and become more loving and more authentic, but it takes self-examination to rout-out the falsehoods planted within your subconscious. And, it is extremely important to love yourself throughout this process! Because it takes self-love to do this work, embedding more love and compassion within yourself is helpful.
One way to increase your love quotient is to set aside some time aside to take numerous deep breaths each day. You can add this into an existing meditation practice if you like. |
Slowly deepen your breathing and when you are feeling fully relaxed and receptive, call love to yourself from your environment. Imagine each breath infused with loving energy. Whether as balls of energy, or bursts, or rays of light and love, invite love to enter your body via your breath. Draw love into your lungs and disperse it throughout your body, or send it to your heart if you prefer. Keep breathing consciously until you feel the lightening and lifting energy of these "love breaths". (You can imagine being helped by loving Angels or other higher beings if that assists you). Take several deep loving breaths, expanding and receiving that love energy gratefully into your being. Once filled with love, feel free to share some of it with friends or loved ones, or send some love to those who need it most. It won't diminish you. Sending love to others tends to augment the love within!
It is not easy for most of us to love ourselves, nor is it easy to acknowledge one's our "flaws", but if we can open our hearts and have compassion for others, it will be easier to have compassion for ourselves as well. We are now living in times of accelerated evolution, so we are capable of improving ourselves little by little over time. Keep breathing in love to fill yourself and your world with more love and compassion.
It is not easy for most of us to love ourselves, nor is it easy to acknowledge one's our "flaws", but if we can open our hearts and have compassion for others, it will be easier to have compassion for ourselves as well. We are now living in times of accelerated evolution, so we are capable of improving ourselves little by little over time. Keep breathing in love to fill yourself and your world with more love and compassion.
9. Recognize that developing authenticity takes time
Examining our deeply-seated beliefs is a process, perhaps a life-long process at that. After you have spent several hours observing yourself and delving into your beliefs and behaviors, it should be clear that this process will take some time. After all it takes quite awhile to winnow out beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you and replace them with more authentic memes over time. Authenticity requires self-awareness as you navigate your beliefs to be sure that you are in genuine alignment with your true self.
10. Release patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you to rekindle authenticity
When you come across an opinion or belief that you cannot support anymore, it is important to let the old belief go. Visualization is good for this. You can place the belief within a bubble or a balloon and let it rise until it disappears. Or if you are more hands-on, you can write the old belief on a piece of paper, cross it out and burn the paper in a little ceremony where you verbally ask that this old belief be lifted from you or released back to where ever it came from. If you prefer, you can bury it.
Perhaps you'd rather hunt for a stone to represent any false beliefs you come across. You could paint a symbol of the false belief or bad behavior habit on the stone and then bury it or plant a flower or a tree above it to exemplify further transformation.
Now write (or just think of) a corresponding positive statement of belief that you can live with now. Perhaps you choose to write this newly affirmed belief on paper and place it in a silver box, or tape it to a mirror or magnetize it to your refrigerator. Place it somewhere you can see it, or find it when you want to work on beliefs, and repeat the "new" belief when you do. This will solidify and anchor your new belief into your subconscious to replace the old one you released. This will also help clarify and affirm your "Authentic Self".
Perhaps you'd rather hunt for a stone to represent any false beliefs you come across. You could paint a symbol of the false belief or bad behavior habit on the stone and then bury it or plant a flower or a tree above it to exemplify further transformation.
Now write (or just think of) a corresponding positive statement of belief that you can live with now. Perhaps you choose to write this newly affirmed belief on paper and place it in a silver box, or tape it to a mirror or magnetize it to your refrigerator. Place it somewhere you can see it, or find it when you want to work on beliefs, and repeat the "new" belief when you do. This will solidify and anchor your new belief into your subconscious to replace the old one you released. This will also help clarify and affirm your "Authentic Self".
11. Ask yourself what you truly believe
One approach to the challenge of authenticity is to root out anything that is not truly you. Another pro-active approach is to simply start with pad and paper (or it can be a mental exercise) and begin listing your beliefs about yourself, beliefs like "I am not good enough" or "Nobody loves me" or "I'm stupid, fat, ugly, etc." Keep adding to your list any negative beliefs that comes to mind and realize that the subconscious uses these beliefs as directives, so they become self-fulfilling prophesies. Then examine each one, expand upon it, and think back to how and when you acquired that belief, who gave it to you, why you continue to hold on to it, and whether it represents "the you" you want to put forward today.
Now create positive alternatives to those negative beliefs you unearthed, such as "I AM good enough", or "I am drawing to myself a partner who loves and respects me", or "I am perfect just as I am", etc. Is this new belief different from what you used to believe? If so, be sure to remove the old belief you no longer hold. Contradictory beliefs will cancel each other out. Consciously and purposefully let go of any derogatory beliefs (in ways described in the paragraph above). Repeat the beliefs you feel sure of and use them as positive affirmations for awhile. This is a good way to help rekindle your authenticity.
Now create positive alternatives to those negative beliefs you unearthed, such as "I AM good enough", or "I am drawing to myself a partner who loves and respects me", or "I am perfect just as I am", etc. Is this new belief different from what you used to believe? If so, be sure to remove the old belief you no longer hold. Contradictory beliefs will cancel each other out. Consciously and purposefully let go of any derogatory beliefs (in ways described in the paragraph above). Repeat the beliefs you feel sure of and use them as positive affirmations for awhile. This is a good way to help rekindle your authenticity.
Passions are a type of knowledge built into our bodies. Learn more with this video
12. Take it slow to rekindle your authenticity
Do not try to do too much all at once. Be aware that when working with buried memories and painful incidents from your past, these can trigger disturbing thoughts that can linger for days. Sometimes we are shocked by what we discover within our subconscious that has been hidden, operating on automatic pilot in secret. Such sudden new raw awareness can disrupt our lives in unexpected ways. So use moderation and proceed cautiously. When you discover a belief or memory that shakes up your world, allow a few days for you to adjust to your new realizations and view them with self-compassion. Becoming whole and authentic takes increasing self-awareness as well as continuing to work to rid yourself of false beliefs for however long a time it takes. An annual review of your beliefs is helpful as well. That will help you notice the progress you have made over time.
How To Maintain Authenticity
Now that you've got a better sense of how be authentic, here's how to stay authentic.
13. Tell the truth and make it a habit
This is such a simple suggestion and yet it makes a huge difference! It's so easy to fall into a pattern of lying for convenience sake, to further some agenda, to cover up some embarrassment, to say we have already done something we intend to do, but haven't yet. These seem like "little white lies" that do not hurt anything. However, the more little lies we tell, the less truthful we are, which means dwindling authenticity. How can others respect us if we can't be trusted to tell the truth? So work on eliminating those little white lies.
14. Make statements and decisions consciously
In this hectic world, we are making decisions all the time. Unfortunately, a lot of these decisions are made hastily in the moment with no forethought. But decisions can have substantial consequences. You owe it to yourself to consider impacts and consequences BEFORE you make a decision so that you don't have to backtrack later. Don't let anyone push you into making a consequential decision before you are ready.
15. Be accountable
When you speak, you want others to hear what you say and consider it. But for others to take you seriously, they have to believe what you say. This only happens when you have been consistently authentic about who you are, what you value and where you intend to focus your energy and attention. When you have proven to others that you are responsible, that you can be trusted, and that your ideas have creative value and should be considered, perhaps along with other peoples' suggestions, then you are being accountable and authentic.
16. Develop your personal power in authentic ways
When you are new to a situation, you may feel somewhat insecure or unfamiliar with what may be expected of you. By observing who does what and how well they do it too, by laying low until you have learned "the ropes", by offering input into conversations only after you have acquired a level of expertise that can add something valuable to the discussion, only then will you be prepared to offer your best. This way you will begin to earn respect from your superiors and peers alike because you do not come from ego or wanting attention, but from sincerity and authenticity. This will open the door for people wanting to hear what you have to say, rather than being shunned as a "big mouth" who adds little to the conversation. Your personal power is built gradually over time as you stand in your integrity and authenticity.
17. Continue to monitor yourself
There are times when we are actively searching the self for clues about what is true for us, what beliefs need to be eliminated or developed, or how we can be our "best self", etc. During other times, Life simply takes over and we stop examining the self because we are busy living our lives, which can be very demanding at times. This is to be expected, but if we can keep a behind-the-scenes monitor that remains self-aware at all times, we will be in a position to catch those "off moments" when something is surfacing that we are not proud of. Even if we have no time to examine what's going on in depth at the moment it happens, we can bring it up for evaluation and review later, when we can take the time to more thoroughly examine what our 24-hour-a-day monitor has turned up.
So when you catch yourself saying or doing something that doesn't quite resonate with your inner truth, make a note to self to research the offending issue in depth, where it came from and whether it's time to replace that behavior or belief with something more authentic. Keep that mental watcher working in the background while fully immersed in life's activities so that you can continue to build your authenticity.
So when you catch yourself saying or doing something that doesn't quite resonate with your inner truth, make a note to self to research the offending issue in depth, where it came from and whether it's time to replace that behavior or belief with something more authentic. Keep that mental watcher working in the background while fully immersed in life's activities so that you can continue to build your authenticity.
Here's 10 more ways to be you
Take Authenticity To The Next Level
Ok, so now you know how to live a more authentic life. Here's how to keep digging to bring out your completely authentic self.
18. Develop soul stewardship
Everyone starts this life with some sort of purpose, or at least certain lessons they will learn along the way. The more self-aware we can become, the more useful these experiences will be, because we can "learn our lesson" and move on, at least as concerns that particular type of situation. If we don't learn that lesson in one particular set of events, we may have to go through the same or slightly different versions of events as a "second chance" to learn that lesson. Some folks never "get it" and continue to require ever-more serious situations in which to learn their lessons. Unless they are committed to a personal growth path, they may continue to fail in a particular way. Yet if they grasp that they CAN change, and apply themselves to learning how to better cope with situations by acting with compassion and wisdom, they can master that type of situation. This is proper stewardship of their energies and beliefs.
Stewardship, or the proper management of resources, is easy to grasp in caring for the Earth. To be a steward of the Earth, you plant across slopes, thereby reducing erosion. If you water and tend your garden, your plants will grow. If you plant and properly care for your trees, eventually you will have fruit, shade and beauty around your homestead. This is good stewardship of the Earth. If you eat nutritious food, exercise, and maintain a positive attitude, you are likely to lead a long and healthy life. This is proper stewardship of the body. If you persevere on a project, you will eventually have it completed. This is stewardship of a business. If you continue to improve your own character, you will become a better person. This is Soul Stewardship, which is measured by authenticity. If you drink too much, smoke excessively, are a bully at work, you lack personal stewardship because you are not taking proper care of your body, your principles, nor are you contributing to your society.
If you want to progress, you will need to learn each set of lessons presented to you before you can move on to higher teachings. If you do not do your daily homework of paying attention to what life has to teach you, you will continue repeating the same kinds of misdeeds over and over again until the consequences become so severe you have no choice but to change. Then you will pass your test and you can finally move on. To become a Soul Steward you must live your life conscientiously, and yes, authentically.
Stewardship, or the proper management of resources, is easy to grasp in caring for the Earth. To be a steward of the Earth, you plant across slopes, thereby reducing erosion. If you water and tend your garden, your plants will grow. If you plant and properly care for your trees, eventually you will have fruit, shade and beauty around your homestead. This is good stewardship of the Earth. If you eat nutritious food, exercise, and maintain a positive attitude, you are likely to lead a long and healthy life. This is proper stewardship of the body. If you persevere on a project, you will eventually have it completed. This is stewardship of a business. If you continue to improve your own character, you will become a better person. This is Soul Stewardship, which is measured by authenticity. If you drink too much, smoke excessively, are a bully at work, you lack personal stewardship because you are not taking proper care of your body, your principles, nor are you contributing to your society.
If you want to progress, you will need to learn each set of lessons presented to you before you can move on to higher teachings. If you do not do your daily homework of paying attention to what life has to teach you, you will continue repeating the same kinds of misdeeds over and over again until the consequences become so severe you have no choice but to change. Then you will pass your test and you can finally move on. To become a Soul Steward you must live your life conscientiously, and yes, authentically.
How to embrace your authentic self
19. Answer the "call of the authentic self"
As you discover your own authenticity, your inner calling is more likely to be heard. Authenticity and Purpose are linked so that a deep sense of purpose can help you to express your authenticity; while developing authenticity will often help you discover your Purpose!
You may discover the courage of your convictions, and want to burst forward with passion to accomplish some worthy goal that moves you deeply enough to champion some particular sort of positive change. You may have an invention you want to promote, a tour company you want to develop, or you may want to teach art to kids. Each of us is wired to certain preferences and projects we would like to see succeed, and it just may be that your voice can make a difference that really matters. If you feel inspired to express your authenticity in some particular way, don't let inexperience stop you. Gather your courage and GO FOR IT!
You may discover the courage of your convictions, and want to burst forward with passion to accomplish some worthy goal that moves you deeply enough to champion some particular sort of positive change. You may have an invention you want to promote, a tour company you want to develop, or you may want to teach art to kids. Each of us is wired to certain preferences and projects we would like to see succeed, and it just may be that your voice can make a difference that really matters. If you feel inspired to express your authenticity in some particular way, don't let inexperience stop you. Gather your courage and GO FOR IT!
Articles Related to Being Authentic
Still looking to learn more about how to be authentic, check out this Ted Talk
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