How Do You Beat FOMO?FoMO—or Fear of Missing Out—can keep us mentally somewhere else. As a result we are less present in the moment and often less happy. So learn how to deal with FoMO.
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Having constant access to our cellphones and the internet can be really helpful. We can check the weather, read the news, or learn about events, wherever we are. But, because we now know of so many things that are going on in other places—online and in real life—we can start to believe we are missing out on fun or important experiences. This feeling is referred to as fear of missing out, or FoMO, for short.
FoMO can lead us to get addicted to our phones or hooked on social media because we don’t want to miss anything. Sure, these technology tools can be great for finding out about fun events, but if you have a potentially fun event right in front of you, FoMO can keep you focused on what’s happening elsewhere, instead of being fully present in the experience right in front of you. As a result, you don't get the full benefit of your experiences and can even end up hurting your relationships. Are You a Therapist, Coach, or Wellness Entrepreneur?
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