Why Develop Intuition?*This page may include affiliate links; that means we earn from qualifying purchases of products. Sponsored Content.
You hear it all the time; "Trust yourself, "Listen to your gut", "What does your intuition say?" Whatever you call it - call it a gut response, call it intuition - it helps guide us to make better decisions. This type of knowledge is thought to be a product of normal brain activity - a reflex of sorts. The body's reflexes are essential in helping us make good decisions. We have reflexes to thank when we have difficulty throwing ourselves off high buildings, when we pull back from a hot flame, and when we fight, flight, or freeze in response to a predator. Our intuition guides us without us even knowing it. It seems useful, then, to know what our intuition is trying to tell us. But how do we know what our intuition is saying?
Measuring your intuitive responsesSensie is pioneering a product that helps people measure their intuitive response for the very first time. Mike Dannheim, founder of Sensie tells me his app taps into the body's innate intelligence. The first time I spoke to Mike, I was skeptical. How could my body know what my mind does not? As a pragmatist and researcher I wanted to see the data.
Mike excitedly pointed me to the research that Sensie is based on - a series of studies suggesting that our innate truths can be detected by the subtle ways we move our bodies. To demonstrate, Mike asks himself whether soda is good for his body. “Now you just do a Sensie", Mike says as he ask’s the question and waives his cellphone through the air, "and we can detect with a good level of certainty whether or not your answer is your truth based on the way you moved you arm." What can Sensie tell us about ourselves?The team is conducting research to test potential uses for Sensie across industries. It turns out that our intuitive decisions tend to be the right one and Senie can detect this.
Additional initial findings show that Sensie may help people quickly discover which behavior change programs are right for them. The potential impact here is huge. Big businesses may be able to personalize behavior change programs and save millions of dollars wasted on putting the wrong people in the wrong programs. Similarly, counselors (particularly web-based counselors) may benefit from asking their patients to take a few Sensies to clarify which treatment approach is best for them. The Future of IntuitionIt seems everywhere you look, new products are being created to measure brain waves and physiology. This is the first that I have seen that measures intuition. I'm excited to see where Sensie will go next.
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