Get Social Media Posts to Help Your Audience Boost Their ConfidenceWant science-based social media posts to attract people to your website, engage your audience, and keep your business top of mind?
Then grab our Confidence Social Media PLR Package—it includes 50 science-based posts. References included! This package will help your community better understand the factors that contribute to high and low confidence. Confidence Social Media PLR Package |
These social media posts are perfect for coaches, counselors, therapists, and a variety of other wellness entrepreneurs.
Help Your Audience Learn About Confidence!This package includes 50 science-based social media posts that teach readers about important topics such as:
Self-Esteem | Self-Doubt | Positive Self-Views | & More... Each social media post includes an editable design and a reference to the academic research study that the information came from. You can:
Create science-based visuals that help your business grow exponentially! |
How Do I Make These Posts "My Own"?✓ Publish content as is, or...
✓ Change the colors, fonts, shapes, or images (using the editable template in Canva). ✓ Add your brand & design to make it your own. ✓ Add links or ads to your other products, services, or coaching. ✓ Or, use the content in other creative ways that grow your business. |
Science-Based Content = Happy CustomersOur science-based social media posts can give your business a boost!
This social media posts package includes: ✓ A script with all 50 posts ✓ Completely editable graphic designs of all 50 posts ✓ Scientific references included for each post ✓ Review by a Ph.D. level expert When you use these science-based posts in your business, you help your audience develop trust in your business. As a result, they become more open to buying your offerings. |