7 Surprising Ways to De-StressLearn a few new ways to reduce stress and improve well-being. These alternative approaches can actually be really helpful for decreasing stress in the body and mind.
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I have been studying well-being for almost a decade and I am embarrassed to admit that I still get stressed out almost daily. It's not that I don't know what I am "supposed to do". It's just that I get tired of practicing deep breathing, mindfulness, or yoga. Most people will find that even the most effective de-stressing techniques stop working after awhile. This phenomenon is known as hedonic adaptation. And the best way to beat hedonic adaptation is to try something new.
Below, I highlight a few surprising, research-supported ways to de-stress. 1. Lay on a mat of spikes for 30 minutes
2. Drink Chamomile Tea
3. Get on a plane and fly somewhere relaxing
4. Keep lavender or rosemary oil nearby
5. Try Cupping
6. Use Curcumin Supplements
7. Try Coloring Geometric Designs
I hope you enjoyed these surprising stress busters!
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