Pessimism: Definition, Examples, & CharacteristicsBy Eser Yilmaz, M.S., Ph.D.
Reviewed by Tchiki Davis, M.A., Ph.D. What is pessimism? Read on to explore pessimism and its causes, learn how to tell apart pessimism from things like optimism, and find out how to overcome it.
Kudos to you if you feel neutral or calm in a situation like this. Bonus self-confidence points if you think your supervisor wants to meet with you to compliment your talent and diligence with the project. However, if you are like the younger me, you’d be chewing your nails while sitting on the edge of your office chair, struggling to focus on anything until 10 am. That’s because I used to have a “glass is half empty, and the water is rapidly evaporating” mindset and would assume the worst possible reasons for being summoned to her office. In other words, I used to be overly pessimistic.
Does this sound like you or someone you care about? If so, read on to explore pessimism and the root causes of pessimistic tendencies. In this article, you’ll also discover how pessimism differs from other concepts, such as optimism and realism. Finally, you will learn practical strategies to keep your pessimism at bay to achieve optimal psychological health. Before reading on, if you're a therapist, coach, or wellness entrepreneur, be sure to grab our free Wellness Business Growth eBook to get expert tips and free resources that will help you grow your business exponentially. Are You a Therapist, Coach, or Wellness Entrepreneur?
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