Well-Being Strategist:
Well-Being Strategist:
Is This Training For You?Perhaps you're already a coach, HR professional, or work with people to grow their well-being. Or, maybe you just have a passion for promoting well-being.
So you already know that there are a zillion different ways that people can boost their well-being. But you also know that most people are unhappy (and possibly becoming less happy). So how can we TRULY help people?! The answer, it turns out, is fairly obvious. We have been using a kitchen sink approach—that is, “throw everything at people including the kitchen sink”—in hopes that something improves their well-being. We should have been using science to better understand The Path to Well-Being. In other words, we already know that learning involves going through specific steps in a specific order. For example, in our education system we go through through 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and so on. We can’t teach calculus to someone who doesn't even know addition. But this is exactly what we’re trying to do when it comes to well-being. And this why so many people—even people who have tried lots of things—are still so unhappy. Luckily, research provided by brilliant developmental psychologists shows the specific stages that all humans must go through on The Path to Well-Being. This program is for you if you want to understand the specific skills and practices that help people thrive at each stage AND move through each stage. These insights can help you better understand what truly leads to well-being, why certain strategies work for certain people, and when to use different approaches. With this training, you can call yourself a well-being strategist—helping each person improve their well-being based on where they are at now. |
This one-of-a-kind training synthesizes well-being science, learning science, and developmental science into a map that outlines the path to true, long-lasting well-being.
With this expertise, you'll be able to:
To gain your Well-Being Strategist Certificate, you must:
✓ Learn how people can grow more quickly, easily, enjoyably, and with less confusion, fear, or burnout.
✓ Learn how to cultivate the right skills at the right time. ✓ Gain knowledge & experience regarding a variety of different psychological skills that enhance well-being and accelerate growth. ✓ Build skills that can be used to execute and extend the impact of your unique mission. ✓ Use The Path to Well-Being in the creation of your own custom coaching, courses, workshops, products, or other resources. ✓ Gain a network of like-minded individuals to take part in your own journey. |
Our ApproachOur approach is like graduate school meets wellness retreat. That is, you'll be expected to prep for sessions, participate in discussions, and engage in the activities provided during each session.
Some of the learning methods we rely on include:
Tools & Resources
You’ll be given a collection of digital and hands-on learning tools and activities that enable you to gain deeper insights about how to help yourself and others. |
Expert Guidance
Dr. Tchiki will lead each session, helping to explain the insights and gently steer you towards discovering your own ways of using The Path to Well-Being in your work. |
Group Insight
You’ll take ownership of own experience by sharing your own experiences, supporting peers, and co-creating the sessions through active participation. |
Meditation Awareness Acceptance Meeting needs Getting clear on values Personal growth Affirmations Grounding Self-compassion |
Discernment Positive psychology Gratitude |
Working with your ego
Limiting beliefs Positive thinking Boundaries Love Inner work Somatics Forgiveness Self-confidence Self-acceptance |